August 18, 2006, Newsletter Issue #2: Stay In Touch With An E-Postcard

Tip of the Week

E-postcards are a good way of keeping in touch while on your educational travel tour. To send e-postcards you will need two things. First of all, you need an email address as most e-postcard providers ask for an email address. As you are traveling, you should be able to access this email address from anywhere. This means that your email provider should have a web-based interface for accessing email. Choose one with a lot of storage space such as Yahoo Mail, Hotmail or Gmail, then you won't have to worry about deleting messages.

Second, you will need access to an Internet connection so you can send your e-postcards and travel to the next destination. Many regions have Internet cafes or hotels with Internet access. If you manage your time well, this will not be very expensive. Other options for an Internet connection are to travel with a laptop and connect through a cell phone or satellite phone. This is a more expensive option.

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