June 1, 2007, Newsletter Issue #41: New York Religion

Tip of the Week

Students who undertake educational trips to New York can choose to visit a number of churches.
- St Patrick's Cathedral holds 2,500 people and is the largest Catholic church in the United States. Construction started in 1853 and took 25 years. Two Popes have visited the Cathedral, which is in Manhattan.
- Trinity Church, which is done in the Gothic Revival style, is 150 years old. This Episcopal church is the second to stand on that site. The original church was founded in 1697 and burned down in 1776.
- The Episcopal Church of St John The Divine is on the edge of Harlem. Construction started in 1892, but the church is still not finished. It has seven chapels, each dedicated to a different faith or ethnic group.
These are some popular choices for students on educational trips to New York.

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